Justin Walton

Brand strategy, messaging and identity design for Justin Walton, an executive and financial coach based in Essex and London.
Client feedback
Ben has created a brand for me with true meaning, which he delivered by asking questions, having conversations, and by gaining a solid understanding of what it means to coach and what coaching can achieve for the individuals I work with.
What we did

Brand Strategy


Brand Messaging

Brand Identity Design


Website Design

Executive Coaching
Essex and London, UK
Brand strategy, messaging and identity design for Justin Walton, an executive and financial coach based in Essex and London.

Company Profile

It is the circular nature of the conversation, the back-and-forth and the journeys and discoveries that can be made through coaching that lie at the heart of Justin's Executive Coaching brand.

Justin was looking to create a brand that would appeal to the two kinds of clients he typically works with; business owners and business leaders. A broad client base but one where individuals often shares specific personality traits, motivations, a willingness to embrace change, and a desire to explore and elevate their potential.


The brand identity needed to not only appeal to this wide audience demographic but at the same time differentiate Justin from the other coaches operating in this space.

The brand strategy workshop I completed with Justin led us to develop four key brand values:

1. Authenticity is at the core - Lived experience and empathy are the foundations that drive authentic coaching and successful outcomes. 

2. Invoking curiosity can create clarity - The right kind of questions have the power to steer people down unexpected avenues of thought, arriving at illuminating places and creating clarity. 

3. Empathy and Listening - One must listen with intention in order to empathise with the situation. Listen to hear and not to respond. 

4. Mindset matters - Not recognising opportunities, or being smothered by self-limiting beliefs stifles potential. Peeling back the covers can reveal the magic within 


The brand strategy workshop gave us the foundation on which to build Justin's visual identity, and asked the questions required to understand the audience we were seeking to attract.

Part of the strategy work I completed with Justin, was to develop ideal client personas, analyse the existing competition and identify the core values and beliefs that underpin Justin's brand.

Brand messaging was then created, giving Justin a clear mission and vision statement, as well as a positioning statement and strapline that act as both and anchor and a guide for Justin's brand going forward.

A differentiated and memorable brand identity system is supported by the brand activation playbook, a reference guide to Justin's entire brand, from messaging through to brand identity guidelines.

Ben Stanbury, owner of The Identity Bureau

Looking to develop a brand that will be noticed, admired and remembered? Get in touch with me here...

Have you've got some ideas about your brand, or perhaps a few burning questions? Why not book a Discovery Call call to have a chat, or answer any questions you have.

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